Site Rules

The penalties for breaching airsoft safety regulations are simple. You will be disqualified from the games and probably the site, without refund.

For site velocity rules, please ask a member of the directing staff.

Guide 350 AEG, 400 DMR, 500 SNIPER all based on a 0.2g bb.

Chrono is done on chosen weights.



  • Learn and abide by the rules as set out below.

  • Ensure you listen to and take note of the safety brief given.

  • Always follow the instructions of the Marshals and abide by their decisions.

  • Goggles must be worn at all times outside the Safe area. GOGGLES ARE NEVER TO BE REMOVED FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER ON THE FIELDS OR FIRING RANGE.

  • All goggles must have full eye face protection and we recommend full face protection.

  • Your gun must be unloaded and the safety catch applied before entering the safe area.

  • No physical contact is permitted.

  • Do not shoot your gun at anyone not involved in the game.

  • Biodegradable bbs are only to be used.

  • Do not fire your gun once you leave the game field.

  • Do not drink alcohol or take drugs whilst on site. Anyone thought to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will be expelled from the site without refund.

  • No knives or weapons of any description are allowed on site.

  • Any abuse verbal or physical to any staff member will not be tolerated.

  • Do not climb trees.

  • Be aware of natural hazards such as tree roots and trenches.

  • No pyrotechnical devices are permitted above a mark 5 level.

  • Anyone using a gun which exceeds site velocity limits will not be allowed to use that gun.

  • Guns will be chronoed with the HOP set at gaming setting (i.e. NOT turned down).

  • Suitable outdoor recreational activity footwear, preferably with ankle support is recommended.
  • Please respect the countryside and wildlife.

  • If you are aware of medical conditions that may affect your ability to play, please ensure staff are fully aware.

  • All discrepancies must be resolved on game day prior to leaving site as they may not be rectified after the event.

  • Please ensure that the waiver form is completed accurately and returned to staff on the commencement of event day. You can download and print this before game day via the website.

  • Minimum player age is 12 years, anyone under the age of 12 years will not be permitted to play.

  • Anyone under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Under 18s must wear full face protection.